Background Checks

Background checks can sometimes be a tricky subject. When you need information, saying I need a background check is similar to saying I need some lunch. Many things can make up a lunch (Ham Sandwich ~ Pad Tai Chicken ~ Bag of Cheetos) and many things can be included in a background check. It really depends what you think is out there and what your concerned about. Share your concerns with your private investigator so he/she can make the proper recommendations. Although many PIs have background search “packages” (and all the info whores on the selling old public records on the internet certainly do) some of whats offered in a package may not be useful to you, so why pay for it? It is also worth stating that a background check can be very involved. The more someone moves around, the more spread out the search. The more places your private investigator has to look in, the more the background check will cost. Food for thought.