Mileage and an affair

These days, almost everyone has a car and they drive themselves whenever they need to go some place. That includes driving to and from the place where they are cheating on you. It does not take a private investigator to know that every car has an odometer that records mileage. Unless you think the affair is being carried on at the work place or in your home, your cheating spouse has to drive to the meeting place. Now comes the lies. “I’m going to get my golf cleats sharpened at the Mall” reports the cheating husband. You jump in the car, write down the mileage. He leaves and returns. The mileage is now 18 miles more than would be required to go to the mall. You have a problem. The same can be true for those cheating partners who “work late” or “go out with the gang for a beer”. If you simply drove from home to work and back, or from home to work and Chili’s 1/4 mile from the office and then home, why does the car have 11 miles more than that trip would require. This type of monitoring makes it easy for you to get a better idea of when this is happening. It also pays to check around in the car for other evidence. People get sloppy and leave clues all the time, frequently in the car.