When they have been drinking

We had another example of what great opportunity the work holiday party can be for investigative a cheating spouse. Our client called and reported that her spouse was at his work party and had been drinking alot. He called to say that he would not be home for several hours and we were able to acquire him in a banquet room at a local restaurant. The private investigator identified him and watched as he flirted with a co-worker. He departed a short time after this female co-worker and was followed outside where he walked to his car and drove back to his office. He arrived and parked next to this female co-worker and they opened up the office and went inside. We were able to film them making out in the lobby as they waited for the elevator. They left approximately three hours later and we got more film of them hugging, kissing and feeling each other up next to her car. This story is a textbook example of how the company holiday party can be an excellent opportunity to watch a cheating spouse.