Affair Occurring Inside of Work

If you are hiring a private investigator to try and catch your spouse having an affair inside of their workplace, you should really think it over before hiring someone. The largest issue is, is there any reasonable chance that the private investigator will be able to get you proof of the affair? Can we see inside the office where it might be happening from public domain? Can we wait outside the office somewhere to film them leaving together after hours or is it happening while others are inside the workplace? These types of concerns should be the primary focus of your thinking.

Affair occurring inside of work

Private investigator Confidentiality

Many prospective clients worry that some way or another, their spouse can find out about our investigation and make us tell them what we learned.  The truth is, many of our clients tell people who they think they can trust about the investigation. Someone hiring a private investigator to catch a cheating spouse is big gossip, and people like to have the “inside info” to talk about. They tell another friend or spouse and off it goes. Word gets back to the target and the surveillance fails. Each month we have someone call who is wealthy and they are worried that we must already be working with their unfaithful spouse and that we will tell them, etc., etc. In all of the infidelity cases we have been involved with during the past five years, this has never happened. We also get the folks who are worried that because the cheating person is in law enforcement or is involved with someone in law enforcement, that all police will somehow know that we have been hired or that the target will “just know”. I have no idea where this comes from and no idea why people have this fear, but it too is baseless.

Trace Email

If you find an email and believe that it was written by someone your spouse may be cheating with, we can help. trace emailWe have a very specialized group of private investigators who can trace email back to the sender BUT it is critical that you get the entire email, including the HEADER who gives us the real information we need to begin to trace email. Never delete this type of email and if possible, forward it, in it’s entirety, to a friend or relative for safe keeping.  Contact ASG Investigations in Clinton Township today for assistance.

Private sources of data

Many times a prosepctive client will ask us “what can a private investigator do that I can’t do myself”. In simple terms, we can charge people for our time. We do not have police powers, nor are we allowed to break the law, but we have tools and training that the public does not. Our training provudes us with ability to do what is needed to get our client’s the information they are seeking. An average person operating without that training is likely to fail and/or alert the person that they are investigating. As a private investigator, we also have access to better sources of information than you can find on the internet, etc. Some would argue that the most valuable tool a private investigator has is his or her contacts. Our rolodex is very valuable inasmuch as we have the right people, in the right places, to call for help.

Private Investigative Work at an Airport

When we are asked to pick someone up at an airport to monitor them while they are out of town, this brings some special problems that we need to address. As you can imagine in the post 9/11 era, airport security is at an all time high and getting access to someone inside the airport is much more complicated than ever before. In some airports, we cannot even get to the departure or arrival areas. Airports also cause problems for a private investigator with getting hidden cameras inside. Airport security automatically thinks that we are there to case the airport for terrorist purposes, so the hidden camera goes out the door. Airports by themselves are complicated, busy places. People and vehicles coming and going in all directions makes following a vehicle into these areas tricky at best. Parking is a nightmare (i.e. we follow them into the parking structure and they find a parking place far from any other available parking spaces, we lose them because we cannot park soon enough to follow them, etc.) For those arriving at the airport, often they can exit the terminal in several places making it difficult to find them in the first place. Add to that the number of cabs, rental car shuttles and limos moving around in front of the exits and you have more risk of losing them. Drops offs can also cause problems for a private investigator inasmuch as the traffic volume and flow can be horrific. If someone decides to pull over quickly to drop off someone, we may not be able to duplicate that move.

What we recommend is that if you require private investigative work at an airport, use three investigators. It is better to spend more and get it done correctly than to spend less and run the risk that all your money is spent in vain when we cannot get you the video you need.

Private Investigative Work at an Airport


When you work with a private detective on an unfaithful spouse case, they will always provide you with some type of pictures, most frequently, video. The one thing that will be absent is audio. In some states it may be legal to record a coversation when you are not part of it, especially when the conversation is taking place out in the open, but more times than not, we will not record the audio. For some, this may be a real problem, but we as a detective agency, have elected not to do so. This may not be a problem for you if the goal is to get the information, not a recording of it. What we mean by this is, if we have your cheating spouse under surveillance, and he is walking down the street talking openly on his cell phone, and we hear him telling his girlfriend how much he loves her, we can tell you about it, but we will not record it.

Paying our retainer

We, like any private investigator, charge our retained up front. Often, we have a potential client who is concerned the their cheating spouse will find out if they use a credit or debit card. What we recommend if you need to pay with a credit card, have a relative or friend pay us and you can pay them. It allows the process to move ahead faster and keeps your true financial transaction hidden.

Strip clubs

We frequently find clients asking us to go into a strip club to monitor an cheating husband. What you may not be aware of is the fact that these clubs often have equipment installed to detect hidden cameras. This is done for the protection of the girls working in these clubs who don’t want to end up on the internet (at least not without being paid for it). This makes it very difficult for us to try and get you proof of what goes on inside these clubs. If they do not have any type of hidden camera detectors, they often have the lights down so low that our cameras have difficult getting good video inside. This is also true of some dance clubs or homosexual nightclubs.

Halloween Weekend

I have no idea why, but this Halloween weekend has been one of the the most heavily request surveillance time weve had. We have had more calls from people concerned about a cheating spouse meeting someone this weekend then any holiday other than valentines day. Usually, this is not a busy time for a private investigator. More thoughts later.

I need to know everything about the other person

If you are the victum of a cheating spouse and you have hired a private detective to get you proof, you will ultiamtely be faced with the question “how much do I want to know about the other person”. Of course we can get you whatever information you need (within the boundaries of the law) but the bigger question is “what do you want to do with the information?”. We strongly recommend that you talk it over with family and friend before you do this. Why? Because we REGULARLY do this type of background check on a cheating spouse case and get a call from the client a few days later saying they wish they had not done it and wish they did not know. If you have kids, then you likely want to know, but otherwise, think it over first. Just a heads up for those at this point.