Workplace Infidelity: How to Catch a Cheating Spouse

workplace infidelity

All relationships take consistent effort and communication to work. Still, over 20% of marriages face cheating concerns and surveys and studies continually show men most often instigate the damage. This is especially true at the office where workplace infidelity is known to blossom and flourish. Fortunately, there are some tips and strategies to help you catch a cheating spouse, so you’re not blindsided by your partner’s actions or betrayal.

Pay Attention to Their Work Attitude

Most spouses and significant others discuss, complain, and vent about work situations and/or coworkers. A moderate amount of venting is completely healthy, especially when leaning on your chosen partner. However, sudden changes in those discussions can indicate something fishy is going on. Perhaps your partner has just gotten into a good groove at work. But they could also have indulged in a bout of workplace infidelity. Changes in scheduling and extending work hours can also signal a problem.

Notice Their Personal Improvements

Personal development and improvements can be wonderful objectives for both you and your spouse at any time during your marriage. After all, who doesn’t like to feel more attractive, leaner, and more appreciated by themselves and their significant other? However, there are usually reasons for those changes, and as a spouse, you should know the major reason for those changes.

Check Their Net and Phone Usage

Approximately 97% of Americans own a cellphone, and 85% of those phones are smartphones. That means the majority of Americans have instant access to their phone and text contacts, coworkers, email, social media accounts, and work login info at any moment of the day or night. While that’s great for staying connected and maintaining important life demands, it also makes it a lot easier to maintain flirtation or an affair with a coworker. If your spouse keeps their phone locked, takes it wherever they go, or their phone and net usage are interfering with your marriage, their job duties may not be the only reason.

Visit Their Work Unexpectedly

According to research, over 60% of affairs begin in the workplace. Most spouses involved in those affairs are from relatively happy homes and admit they never believed they would engage in the behavior. But proximity, extensive work hours, and eventual emotional connection and sharing can be the primary factors in workplace infidelity. Most of the time, a cheater will go out of their way to ensure their spouse avoids their primary meeting place. If your spouse is insisting you never visit their work or only around certain times, a surprise visit may be in order to discover the real reason why. 

Recognize Home Behavioral Changes and Gaslighting

Sudden changes, both good and bad, can indicate a cheating spouse as well. Pay close attention to any significant behavioral changes when you’re around them. Unwarranted irritation, picking fights, and blaming you for things you’re not responsible for–a light form of gaslighting–are common for cheating spouses. But they might also be more affectionate or attentive as well. Even being more active or adventurous in bed without a clear reason can be a result of guilt or an attempt to through you off the trail. If your intuition is buzzing and you don’t want to play detective on your own, simply hire a private investigator. Give us a call to get the answers you need.