Office Romances Keep on Blooming

Published: Saturday, May 5, 2007 | 2:24 PM ET
Canadian Press

NEW YORK (AP) – Whether it’s the flattering fluorescent lighting or the intimate privacy of the office cubicle, the workplace is fertile ground for those with a wandering eye.

More than one-third of people who admit to infidelity cheat on their spouses with co-workers, according to a study by and (Friends were philanderers’ first choice.)

The survey also suggests that the more money men make, the more likely they are to cheat, says Josey Miller, iVillage love and sex editor.

For women, income had no relationship to their propensity to be unfaithful, she said.

Opinions about what behaviours constitute cheating also differed between the sexes. Nearly three-quarters of women consider sending flirtatious e-mails to a co-worker cheating, compared with just over half of men.

Regardless of who’s right on that one, has all that sexual harassment training taught us nothing? Back away from the send button.

More than 70,000 respondents participated in the survey.