workplace infidelity

Workplace Infidelity: How to Catch a Cheating Spouse

All relationships take consistent effort and communication to work. Still, over 20% of marriages face cheating concerns and surveys and studies continually show men most often instigate the damage. This is especially true at the office where workplace infidelity is known to blossom and flourish. Fortunately, there are some tips and strategies to help you […]

marriage infidelity private investigator

Women vs. Men: Who is More Likely to Cheat?

Most Americans have had the terms “for better or worse, for richer or poorer, and in sickness and health” beat into their brains from an early age. But no one really adds, “and until you cheat on me or I catch vibes you’ve been busy elsewhere” to their wedding vows. That’s because marriage vows are […]

having an affair private investigator

4 Signs Your Spouse is Having an Affair

No one enters a monogamous, devoted marriage with the idea of being betrayed and having their lives torn apart by the person they love and trust most in the world. But according to the American Psychological Association, infidelity is the primary cause of up to 40% of divorces. There are almost always other existing problems […]

spouse cheating infidelity private investigator

Infidelity and Why Spouses Cheat

Discovering your spouse has been unfaithful can be one of the most painful, and in some cases unbearable, moments in life. If you’re facing that, know you’re far from alone. According to national statistics, approximately 20% of men and 13% of women cheat on their spouses, and that number increases with age. But those statistics […]

cheating spouse private investigator

3 Ways to Catch a Cheating Spouse

Maintaining a positive and productive marriage can be challenging. But when signs suggest you’re living with a cheating spouse, the institution can become unbearable. A recent study has discovered that U.S. divorce rates have fallen to record lows of less than 15 divorces in every 1,000 marriages. That’s great for the nation overall, but adultery […]

cheating spouse infidelity private investigator

Can Your Marriage Survive Infidelity?

Every romantic relationship is different, but discovering you’ve been living with a cheating spouse can be a game-changer for many partners. That level of betrayal can burn deeper than a red-hot poker thrust into the gut and not only lead to emotional and mental issues but also physical health and illness as well as the […]

4 Signs Your Wife May Be Cheating

Your romantic relationship rules and guidelines may be completely different from your neighbors, friends, and even your parents. But most married people frown on infidelity. And yet, it happens more than expected. While adultery is generally associated with male behaviors, women do their share of it as well. According to national surveys, approximately 15% of […]

online infidelity

5 Signs of Online Infidelity

When people think of the word “infidelity”, thoughts of physical adultery and secret liaisons often come to mind. Rarely does the thought of an online tryst or affair even enter the mind until you’re knee-deep in the muck. After all, online infidelity can be even more intense and dangerous to relationships because it most often […]

5 Reasons Why Married People Cheat

Most people who opt to marry nowadays do so with the hope of “happily ever after” with one partner. Very rarely is an alternative even conceptualized outside of the initial prenup planning. So, why would someone choose to cheat? While some studies claim 20% of American singles and up to 9% of married couples have […]